About Audiology Private Practice Forum

The APPF represents audiologists in independent private practice who are not bound by any prescriptive arrangements dictating the utilization of specific equipment, materials, or products.  APPF does not aim to be viewed as a competitor of existing audiological societies, but rather as an ally who assists in rendering focused services on matters related to audiologists in private practice specifically.

The APPF aims to provide the following for its members:

  • To empower independent, private practice audiologists to take control and ownership of their profession.
  • To ensure support pertaining to challenges the industry might face and to provide business support to empower them with equal and completive opportunities.
  • To help build healthy and profitable business models which can be maintained for the betterment of the profession.
  • Lobbying for appropriate coding & remuneration for the full scope of audiological diagnostic services & products
  • Advocating for best clinical practice protocols to be followed to ensure thorough, fair, ethical and appropriate treatment.
  • Advocating for patient centered care by serving the medical, social and functional needs of the patient within the framework of their socio-economic limitations, as determined by the HPCSA and National Health Act.
  • Member Benefits – product and equipment providers, as well as business development services.
  • Marketing of member practices across social media platforms & APPF website.
  • Resource sharing on audiologist-only social media platforms and member-only web portal.
  • Networking and experience-sharing with like-minded colleagues
  • HealthMan – mediation & lobbying for private practice available as an Opt-In at reduced fees for APPF members
  • AON Medical Malpractice Insurance of R2.5 Mil included in Membership Fees for those who opt in at no extra charge
  • Education of the public about audiology, hearing healthcare, and the benefits of independent private practices.
  • Increasing public awareness of independent private audiology practices via various marketing efforts.

APPF ensures a dedicated support structure for the challenges faced by audiologists in private practice.  Audiology Private Practice Forum (APPF) will not be in competition with existing Professional Societies but will assist in rendering focused services on matters related to audiologists in independent private practice.

Support for the full scope of Audiology services which include support pertaining to:

  • diagnostic services offered by private practice and the concomitant remuneration for such services,
  • the utilisation and cost assigned to adequate equipment,
  • following best practice protocols,
  • the provision of hearing instruments and assistive listening devices at sustainable pricing,
  • building healthy and profitable business models,
  • necessitate representation by parties who are independent, experienced and accountable.

It is our mutually desired intention:

  • to ensure that the members of  APPF will work together in good faith to achieve transformational solutions that are mutually beneficial to the profession as a whole.
  • to achieve independent autonomy for audiologists in private practice, in all aspects of owning, running and practicing in the private sector.
  • to mobilise practitioners to claim ownership of the profession as a whole and to evolve the profession in a healthy, wholesome manner which is in the best long-term interest of the profession and the patients it serves.

We encourage sharing and value diverse perspectives as a means to achieve our shared vision and desired outcomes. We collaborate and move forward with one voice as we aim to create unity in our profession and avoid division at all costs. We are on the same team working toward the same vision. We will operate utilising facts and listen to and understand our members point of view to ensure a flexible approach. We support asking challenging questions, expecting honesty and good intentions. We will discuss, decide and deliver together.


APPF represents audiologists in independent private practice who are not bound by any prescriptive arrangements dictating the utilisation of specific equipment, material, or products. APPF aims to achieve the following for its members:

  • to empower its members to take control and ownership of their profession.
  • to ensure support pertaining to challenges faced by the profession.
  • to provide business support to empower practices with equal and competitive opportunities.
  • to encourage best practice principles be followed as to ensure thorough, fair and appropriate treatment
  • to ensure patient centered care by serving the medical, social and functional needs of the patient within the framework of their socio-economic limitations.

We commit to open and constructive two-way communication in a safe, non-judgmental and collaborative environment to achieve our desired intention effectively and timeously.

We will engage in frequent proactive dialogue, promoting transparency in a safe, collaborative environment to support our shared vision. In this pursuit we commit to:

  • transparency and honesty in valuing all opinions
  • using appropriate communication methods in a safe space
  • committed attendance of focused and facilitated agenda/meetings
  • ensuring team accountability
  • committing to open communication with the official representing professional bodies

APPF Partners Disclaimer

click to read the Partners’ disclaimer

APPF Management Disclaimer

click to read the Management disclaimer

The Management welcome communication regarding any aspect of APPF. Please address your compliments or concerns as per the email addresses below.

The current Management Team and portfolios are as follows:

Kara Hoffman:  finance@appf.co.za  |  upskill@appf.co.za  |  partners@appf.co.za

Farhana Khan:  applications@appf.co.za

Fleur van Jaarsveld:  complaints@appf.co.za  | news@appf.co.za

Trume’ van Heerden:  marketing@appf.co.za